About School
Established in year 2016, Brilliant Public School is located in Rural area of Chhattisgarh state/ut of India. In NH -49, Banari, Akaltara Road area of Janjgir block of Janjgir Champa district. Area pincode is 495668.
School is providing Primary level education and is being managed by Department of Education.
Medium of instruction is English language and school is Co-educational.
BRILLIANT PUBLIC SCHOOL is a co-educational, Secondary CBSE English medium school. It is a rural school Situated in the JANJGIR. The school is currently staffed by a Principal, 32 teachers, 10 admin staff, a school roll is currently 350(+). Our current philosophy is to provide learning programmes that are challenging and children’s Skills for Success. The school recognizes its responsibilities.
I to meet the learning requirements of all children including I those with special learning needs and within its general teaching programmes.
BRILLIANT PUBLIC is widely regarded as a school that is providing a good quality education for all its students. The students participate in a range of interesting learning activities that are frequently linked to their own lives and the local community. There are 16 class rooms. The l Principal is released three days a week to lead learning in the school, to teach group of children, and to perform administrative duties. Positive features of the school and areas of good performance include: 16 class rooms, Science & Moths Laboratories, IT Rooms, Library, Smart Board, Digital AV rooms, Indoor Sports rooms & Vast Courts for Various Sports activity including excurse Park.
I to meet the learning requirements of all children including I those with special learning needs and within its general teaching programmes.
BRILLIANT PUBLIC is widely regarded as a school that is providing a good quality education for all its students. The students participate in a range of interesting learning activities that are frequently linked to their own lives and the local community. There are 16 class rooms. The l Principal is released three days a week to lead learning in the school, to teach group of children, and to perform administrative duties. Positive features of the school and areas of good performance include: 16 class rooms, Science & Moths Laboratories, IT Rooms, Library, Smart Board, Digital AV rooms, Indoor Sports rooms & Vast Courts for Various Sports activity including excurse Park.
BPS to provide the experiences for physical, intellectual, aesthetic, emotional, spiritual, and social development of the child through creative and modern education in an attractive and caring environment.